Friday, November 29, 2019

Essay Examples on The Conformity View by Asch Essay Example

Essay Examples on The Conformity View by Asch Paper 1st Essay Sample on The Conformity View by Asch The Asch paradigm is an experimental technique, which is now note because of the many studies and experiments that Solomon Asch did for his conformity studies. The purpose of this study is basically proving weather the people say what they really think or just conform with other people’s answers. He tricked the participants who thought they were taking part to a study of visual perception then, Asch made them say which one of the comparison lines matched the standard one.This trial is repeated 18 times and although the length and the thickness of the lines change in each trial, the purpose does not change. Because this task it’s extremely easy, when the participants are doing it without first listening to other people’ answers they are right at 99% but when they come in a situation where there are many people that answer before them, saying a different answer than the one they had in mind, they rather conform to the mass and say as the other people did.In the main condition of the study, among all the people who are taking part in it, only one is a genuine participant who is always last to say his answer. Despite the fact that the genuine participant does not know that the others participants are told to answer in a certain way. The set of 18 trials was repeated several times, testing a different genuine participant each time. When we get to the results, in the trials, 12 out of 18 gave the wrong answer.The majority of the people have conformed not to appear different. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on The Conformity View by Asch specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on The Conformity View by Asch specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on The Conformity View by Asch specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Conformity View by Asch The Conformity View by Asch The Conformity View by Asch In fact, they kept saying the wrong answer given by the majority of the people in almost 37% of the trials. 76% conformed on one trial, minimum. 24% only, remained faithful on what they believed the right answer was. When they experiment had come to an end, Asch asked all the participants why they conformed with other people’s answer and they mostly all said they wanted to avoid criticism, disapproval and they wanted to fit in the group. 2nd Essay Sample on The Conformity View by Asch The Asch paradigm is an experimental technique, which is now note because of the many studies and experiments that Solomon Asch did for his conformity studies. The purpose of this study is basically proving weather the people say what they really think or just conform with other people’s answers. He tricked the participants who thought they were taking part to a study of visual perception then, Asch made them say which one of the comparison lines matched the standard one. This trial is repeated 18 times and although the length and the thickness of the lines change in each trial, the purpose does not change. Because this task it’s extremely easy, when the participants are doing it without first listening to other people’ answers they are right at 99% but when they come in a situation where there are many people that answer before them, saying a different answer than the one they had in mind, they rather conform to the mass and say as the other people did. In the main condition of the study, among all the people who are taking part in it, only one is a genuine participant who is always last to say his answer. Despite the fact that the genuine participant does not know that the others participants are told to answer in a certain way. The set of 18 trials was repeated several times, testing a different genuine participant each time. When we get to the results, in the trials, 12 out of 18 gave the wrong answer. The Conformity View by Asch The Conformity View by Asch The Conformity View by Asch The majority of the people have conformed not to appear different. In fact, they kept saying the wrong answer given by the majority of the people in almost 37% of the trials. 76% conformed on one trial, minimum. 24% only, remained faithful on what they believed the right answer was. When they experiment had come to an end, Asch asked all the participants why they conformed with other people’s answer and they mostly all said they wanted to avoid criticism, disapproval and they wanted to fit in the group.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Cognitive Dissonance Essays - Social Psychology, Psychology

Cognitive Dissonance Essays - Social Psychology, Psychology Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive Dissonance How do human beings make decisions? What triggers a person to take action at any given point? These are allquestions that I will attempt to answer with my theoretical research into Leon Festingers theory of cognitive dissonance, as well as many of the other related theories. We often do not realize the psychological events that take place in our everyday lives. It is important to take notice of theories, such as the balance theory, the congruency theory and the cognitive dissonance theory so that ones self-persuasion occurs knowingly. As psychologist and theorist gain a better understanding of Festingers cognitive dissonance theory manipulation could occur more easily than it already does in todays society. Leon Festingers cognitive dissonance theory is very closely related to many of the consistency theories. The first of the major consistency theories, the balance theory, was proposed by Fritz Heider (1946, 1958) and was later revised by Theodore Newcomb (1953) (Larson, 1995). Heider and Newcombs theory was mostly looking at the interaction between two people (interpersonally) and the conflicts that arose between them. When two people have conflicting opinions or tension is felt between another person, it is more likely persuasion will occur. Because if no tension was felt between the two parties, or there were no conflicting opinions there would be no need to persuade each other. If you think about it persuasion occurs only because there is tension between two facts, ideas or people. Charles Larson writes in his book, Persuasion, Reception and Responsibility, another approach to the consistency theory is congruency theory, by Charles Osgood and Percy Tennenbaum (1955) (p.82). This theory suggest that we want to have balance in our lives and there is a systematic way to numerically figure it out. When two attitudes collide we must strive to strike a balance between the two attitudes. The balance varies depending on the intensity we feel about each attitude and our pre-disposed positions concerning the attitude. We either have a favorable , neutral or unfavorable opinion concerning ideas. When two attitudes collide we will attempt to downgrade the favorable position and upgrade the unfavorable position so that we feel a balance. For example, suppose someone thought of Mel Gibson as a good role model. Later on they come to find out Mel Gibson does not like football. If the person was to like both football and Mel Gibson one of three things would happen: 1) The individual would downgrade their opinion of Mel Gibson, or 2)downgrade football, or 3) downgrade both. The action taken would create psychological consistency in ones mind. These theories are very interesting and have been quite researched, but none more so than Leon Festingers theory of cognitivedissonance. Leon Festingers theory, unlike the others I have described, deal with quantitative aspects, as well as qualitative. Thats what is so different and revolutionary about Festingers theory. Robert Wicklund and Jack Brehm (1976), in their book Perspectives on Cognitive Dissonance, write, Most notably, the original statement of dissonance theory include: propositions about the resistance-to-change of cognitions and about the proportion of cognitions that are dissonant, both of which allowed powerful and innovative analyses of psychological situations (p.1). The term dissonance refers to the relation between two elements. When two elements do not fit together they are considered dissonant. Cognitive dissonance can be broken down into a number of elements. As Brehm and Cohen (1962) write, A dissonant relationship exist between two cognitive elements when a person possesses one which follows the obverse of another that he possesses. A person experiences dissonance, that is, a motivational tension, when he (or she) has cognitions among which there are one or more dissonant relationships (p.4).Cognitive dissonance can occur intrapersonally as well as betweentwo or more people. With individual cognitive dissonance the individual longs for consistency within their own mind. Second, there exist dissonance between two or more people. This occurs when two people have differing opinions about a particular issue.This phenomenon may have something to do with varying degrees of knowledge about the issue or different belief systems being enacted. An example of this can be seen by taking a look at the cultures of the West versus cultures of the East. Cultures of the East value loyalty and honor. Cultures of the West have different value systems that often collide with those of the East. Between two parties, dissonance may arise from: (1) logical inconsistency; (2) because of cultural mores: (3) because of a specific opinion; and (4) because of past experience. To reduce cognitive dissonance a person

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized - Essay Example The essay "Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized" discusses the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana is a type of medicine which is used in several nations from ancient periods. From the viewpoint of prescription, marijuana is illegal in the USA because it is used as a drug, and has been traditionally associated with harmful narcotics. Presently, marijuana is considered as an unlawful element at the national level and is registered in the U.S. â€Å"Controlled Substances Act†, but marijuana can be effectively used for health benefits. Several surgeons and medical investigation specialists conveyed that marijuana can be used as remedies for certain health related problems. Marijuana can rouse hunger and is useful for biliousness. Besides, marijuana is also useful for cure of glaucoma. By any extent of the rational investigation, marijuana can carefully be used under an administered routine of medical care. Legalizing marijuana can also decrease the offense linked with the drug busi ness. The main reason is that unlike other drug markets, the market for marijuana produces a comparatively lesser number of criminal offenses. In comparison with other drug affected criminals, the marijuana affected criminals represent offensive activities below 10% for infringement of drug law. If marijuana is utilized as a drug, then legalization of it might decrease the crime related to alcohol. Besides, through marijuana legalization, there is a possibility that police officers will be able to focus more on the other crimes.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Contemporary factors that contribute to sustaining stereotypes and Essay

Contemporary factors that contribute to sustaining stereotypes and prejudice against women's leadership - Essay Example Culture is a factor that contributes substantially to the persistence of the prejudice against women leadership. As such, Klenke (2011) posits that societal values continue to build negative perceptions towards women’s leadership. The idea of constraining women to the home environment is still influential. The society observes that women have a compromised leadership because their social responsibilities bind them tightly. Mainly men are more liberal since they have less social duties. Therefore, the society holds that their leadership is strong because they stand a chance of availing their full potentials in their positions. Additionally, some traditional ideologies fuel the stereotypic attitudes by predetermining men and women duties. As such, tradition assigns women simple careers like nursing, cleaning and child nurturing while careers viewed complex remains a reserve of men (Klenke, 2011). This means women can never be trusted with critical positions even if they exude distinct competencies or capabilities. Such perceptions have made men continue dominating top managements. Consequently, ideas built by these factors have led to proliferation of numerous subtle forms that challenges women’s career. Initially, women hardly earn promotions since the community view men to be confident, and with strong career orientation. As such, they are granted promotions confidently. Therefore, women’s career route tends to be still at some levels due to lack of promotions (Klenke, 2011). Furthermore, women receive little support for developing their careers. Many donors and organizations fund men; as opposed, to women since they are associated with poor. In conclusion, women continue to face extensive challenges in their career course. Values advocated by the society through culture and traditions have corrupted people’s minds hence leading to resistance. Unless the society understands the influential effects exerted by the cultural and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Direct Solar Energy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Direct Solar Energy - Research Paper Example The solar technologies are categorized as active and passive solar technologies depending in the manner in which they capture convert and distribute solar energy. For example, active solar technologies use solar power for transforming sun rays into electricity directly by means of photovoltaics (PV) or indirectly through concentrated solar space (CSP). The direct solar energy systems generate electricity in one of the two ways: photovoltaic cells and concentrated solar power. The total worldwide capacity of CSP has been growing at an average annual rate of 50 %. However, Ellis, et al. (2013) notes that the CSP have lower renewable energy contribution as compared to solar photovoltaics. The current photovoltaic power generation is 189 GW and is produced by crystalline silicon, concentrating, and thin-film PV.Even though the conventional energy account for 70% of the global energy consumption, the current consumption patterns would not be sustainable in future because of their environm ental impact to climate change and depletion. In this perspective, solar energy is renewable and it cannot be depleted. Direct solar energy mitigates global warming, enhances sustainability, reduces pollution, discourages the use of fossil fuels because solar energy is cheap, and reduces the required transmission lines of the electricity grids, as well as improving the quality of water resources.In general, the costs of renewable energy are lower as compared to that of fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Reflective Essay On Gaining Management Skills In Nursing Nursing Essay

Reflective Essay On Gaining Management Skills In Nursing Nursing Essay For the last five years, I have been working in the capacity of senior staff nurse in a rehabilitation unit for patients suffering from various forms of mental health conditions. When the ward manager offered me the opportunity to attend a course focusing on management skills, I had mixed feelings. I was pleased to realise that my manager had confidence in me to participate; However, I felt that this would be a challenge. At the same time, I was apprehensive; would I be able to fulfil her expectations? Especially as this course was designed for charge nurses who are expected to take a managerial role. Boud et al (1985) wrote about reflection being a form of response of the learner to experience. Johns (2000) stated through the conflict contradiction, the commitment to realise desirable work and understanding why things are as they are, the practitioner is more empowered to take more appropriate action in the future. From a reflective perspective of my practice, I undertook this study because I wanted to develop my role and felt it would be a good opportunity for me to apply the knowledge gained into my clinical practice. Effective resource management in the health care is paramount as without resources, there would be no health services. Various and appropriate resources are required to function and support the delivery of healthcare. In a practice setting, there is the human resources and non human resources. Human resources are staffà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s clinical knowledge, their skills and time. This refers to all categories of the workforce within the health care setting. It includes nursing, medical, management, domestic, Occupational therapist, administrators, patients, etc.. Therefore, this includes the skill mix of staff, recruitment and retention. Non human resources are buildings, medication, equipment methods and money. Methods as resources include clinical procedures, policies and training. For money, the resources include the cost of maintaining buildings, equipment, recruiting staff and their salaries and day today running of wards, etc. These resources should be utilized effectively in order to achieve targets at minimal financial cost, in the minimum amount of time and to a high standard. Learning about workforce planning gave me a greater understanding of assessing how many, and what type of staff required, identifying how these staffs will be supplied and deciding how a balance between demand and supply can be achieved. Workforce planning in the NHS is a challenging but an important process. More effective the workforce is ensuring better service for service users. During our study lessons, we have had plenty of opportunities to participate in group work. Within an establishment / ward situation it is important to complete the decision making process as a team. Members should realise if they are to discuss an issue, find possible answers to an issue or make recommendations in order for implementation. There must be an open forum for discussion. Given the above, there is less chance members will waste time dealing with issues beyond their responsibility. Commitment to the decision is important as this will increase the commitment to implementation of the decision. Some of the advantages of group decision making are it allows attempts to persuade and influence others, which could result in achieving high quality results. Because of participants wider knowledge, experience and data collection it could produce more possible solutions. People are more committed to implement what has been discussed and planned if they are included in the discussion a nd the decision making process. Sharing ideas, opinions and options increase the understanding of the situation and commitment to the decision. In group discussions there is opportunity to learn from the other members. The advantage is there can be a tendency for more dominate member to take over and influence others. However, a few of the participants may attempt to appear superior and dominate the group. Especially when there are strong personalities among the group members. Respect differences of opinion (Brounstein,2003; Payne,2001). Also, group members may become more interested in winning rather than investing the best possible option. I have experienced advantages as well as disadvantages during our group work sessions. It felt warm and satisfying to be a part of a group which ensures that everyone has an opportunity to be heard respecting everyoneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s idea and values. It was tense and uncomfortable when there are dominators and aggressors; they were interrupti ng others wanting only their ideas to be heard. There are numerous methods by which a group can interact, these be introduced to prevent the discussions being dominated. I have also experienced differences in ideas, which led to feelings of a frustration and an unfriendly atmosphere. When you have a group that works well together as a team, negotiating will become more effective. We should make sure that our negotiations are done in such a way that it flows. The aim is to find an outcome thats acceptable to both parties. To achive this, we need skills such as: Listening, Questioning, reasoning and accepting. There are many ways to show that you are listening to someone. These involve two sets of skills. Non verbal, which relate to what you do and verbal relates to what you say. Non verbal methods include giving the person eye contact, nodding and not looking at your watch or yawning. Verbal ways include letting someone finish what they are saying, and thinking about what they have said rather than about what you are going to say next and responding to their comments. In any negotiation situation, it is important that you should feel comfortable about questioning anything you are unsure of or not happy with. There is no point in taking up a hard and fast position when you go into a negotiating situation. When this happens, both side retreat into their corners, and it becomes difficult to reason. You must be prepared to make some minor adjustments and compromises, as will your negotiating partner to reach a suitable outcome. At the end of a successful negotiation, you should both feel satisfied that you have reached an acceptable decision. You should also both have had an opportunity to express your views, ask questions and work out a reasonable agreement. If one party cannot accept the position, the negotiation should continue. I have also learnt and experienced how important it is to have bargaining skills when you are negotiating between two groups. During our negotiating exercise what we failed to do was to discuss between team members our strongest and weakest arguments and planning the sequences of our arguments. I believe the negotiation process can be summarised as a trading game. There is one way to play the game. That is to trade what we have with what we want. Through this study course, I was expected to learn various topics such as finance/workforce scheduling, report writing/negotiating skills, Recruitment and selection, interview skills, etc. Each lesson I attended was crammed with information. There were a number of skills I learned as part of my coursework, but in addition I learned a lot by going through the process. Reading relevant books and discussing these with my fellow classmates broaden my knowledge and interest in each topic. Looking at sample essays made me realise writing a report requires logical thinking and planning in order to organise oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ideas carefully and express them accurately. This was a valuable exercise as we write reports daily in our work area. I could use my new found knowledge and skills at work. The day after I learned about negotiating skills, a situation arose at work where the new information I learned assisted me in tackling the situation confidently. The course also helped me to improve my supervision skills in leading the junior members of the team. Many of the lesions stressed group work. This allowed me to work in a team setting confidently and expand my team building skills. I highly value the skills and lessons I have learned from attending this course and would recommend the program to anyone who wants to expand their knowledge and skills. Boud D, Keogh R, Walker D (eds.) (1985) Reflection , turning experience into learning. London. Cogan Page. Brounstein,2003;payne,2001 Nursing Management and Leadership. Ann Marriner Tomer Johns C (2000) Becoming a reflective practitioner. Oxford: Blackwell

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Antigone is a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles. Antigone finds out that her brothers Polyneices and Eteocles are dead after killing each other. Antigone decides to bury Polyneices and asks her sister Ismene to help her but she refuses. The Creon, the king of Thebes, refuses to bury Polyneices because of going against the state, while his brother is to be buried in honor because he fought for his state and did what he is supposed to do. So he orders for no one to bury Polyneices. Antigone buries her brother but is caught. Creon sentences her to death for disobeying. After a while and being convinced, he decides to let her go. But before he is able to release Antigone, he finds out that she with both his son Haimon and his wife have killed themselves. A tragic hero should be someone who causes their own downfall and disgrace. By using their greatest weakness without noticing their own errors. But until the biggest catastrophe results, they recognize their wrong judging and all they h ave caused. A sympathetic character is the character that the reader can relate to and understand what they are going through. The character that the reader feels sympathy to and concerned about because they have a sad destiny. Also someone who we later tend to admire for what they have done and dealt with it. Antigone is the most sympathetic character because she cannot do anything about her suffering and what she is going through, while Creon is the tragic hero because he uses his own pride that destroys his own power and life. Creon is the tragic hero because he uses his weakness pride to be looked as a great ruler and try to ignore his wrong judgment. But this makes it worse and causes something he does not want to expect. Creon expects that no o... ...e because even if he has much power as king can have, he is insecure when it comes to choices. He does not have a side where the audience can see he cares, but instead he has self-importance and shows no pity because he is doing his own life. Antigone shows all she has got and takes risks on what she thinks is right out of love. While Creon just care for himself and actually ignores what he is doing right. Having pride as a king leads to destroying his own power. But Antigone is the sympathetic character more than Creon because her life has a fate already planned and cannot do anything about it so instead she defends her beliefs for other people and what they deserve. Creon just has pride with what he is doing to his own family and people to be seen as the best. If there is no knowledge on something done, this could result on causing one’s own destruction of life.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Internet Is a Double-Edged Sword Essay

Internet already becomes a part of most humen’s life. Most people would like to sit in front of a computer many hours. Young people would like to share their information on facebook than their parents. Knowing how internet effect people’s relationships to other people is important, because there is nothing can replace relationships in human’s life and very hard to fix it. First internet will increase loneliness. Acording to stoll, people who would like to spend time on internet will become more lonely. â€Å"For every hour each week spent online, this group sharnk by about 4 percent.†(Iso, 1) It is very easy to understand. We only have 24hr each day. When a person spends more time on internet, he would spend less time with his family or real life friends. Those people who live with that person in real life will start leaving him. However, those people who found out on the social network site will not stay online all the time. During the blank time, this person will feel lonely. There is nothing in his life. When a person spends more time on internet, enjoy his own small world more, he is also kept away from outside by internet. Most people know, when those people who are falling in internet. they will not respond to any one, refuse any thing not relate with them, not eating any food until really hungry. If any one tries to stop those people in the middle, they will be yalled or scolded. The effect is not very obsiver in the beginning. It will stack. Like a snow ball becomes bigger and bigger. Under this mode, people are selfcentered. People will be lonely by selfcenter, and be isolated by other people. Second, interenet is almost the fastest way to transfer messages and informations. It is good and bad. It is like a double-edged sword. Different way to use it, it will creat differet endings. Many scandals are released on internet first, than many people share or retwitter it. The imformation will not be able to control any more. The problems related with scandals will be solved by the pressure from publick opinion. Presidential election is a best very good example. Romney had almost as many supporters as Obama. After a vedio about a meeting between Romney and many rich supporters in a restauarnt, he lost a lot of supporters instantly. Romney and some of his suppoters’ relationships were totally over at that time. Romney tried to changed those supporters†™ mind about that vedio, but it is way too hard to fix it. On another hand, there are not only bad enddings. Those singers or movie starts use social network site to share their messages to their fans. Internet reduces the distence between people’s relationship. Those famous people would not be easy to meet in real life. Internet is the best way. Few weeks ago, there was a news related with a family and Facebook. A lady send a none sence messages on Facebook. Her hasband immidently realized his wife may suffered a heart attack. He called 911 and drive back to home. Because he descovered it early, his wife get rescued. Internet helped him protected this relationship. Thrid, internet is place can creat relationship. In 20th century, many people start trying to find their wife or husband on social network site or online games. The relationship is very to creat and start compear with real life. People do not have to scare to be refused by a girl or a guy online. No one is watching beside. People will not feel too lose about refuse. Many girls or guys will accept it most time. They would like to give a try, because the person can be the right one. The relationship looks beautiful but it is made by glass. We never know how much lies covered by internet. It can be a fake relationship. Internet is only a tool. It will effect user and their relationship to other people. It is a knock-on effect. People is one who kick it. It still people effect relationship. The only difference is the way use internet.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Two Towers essays

The Two Towers essays The book I read was The Two Towers, Part II of The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkein. The Lord of the Rings mean Sauron, the evil lord who created the one ring and is determined to regain his ring at any cost. One of the main characters in the book is Frodo. Frodo and me are different because he is a hobbit and I am a human. Also he lives in Middle Earth and I live in present time. He is a part of a rich hobbit family and I come from a middle class Italian family. My life is non fiction and his life is fiction. Frodo and I are alike in many ways. We both like to eat many different foods. We both like lots of comfort in our lives. Both of us are very adventurous and like to go many places. Frodo and I are very loyal to our friends and family. We both are gentle to other people and things unless provoked. The Two Towers is set in medieval times and the Middle Earth. The land is full of many mysterious creatures like Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves Orcs, Goblins and Wargs. I think that the story could not take place in another time or place, because technology would be too advanced and there would not be enough forest for the story to take place. I liked this story because it was a fantasy. The things I liked most in the story were the battles. I also liked the devotion of Sam to his master Frodo and the courage of Frodo. I also liked the wizardry of Gandalf. One thing I disliked about the story was that the names were too similar and hard to pronounce. In addition, they were hard to remember because characters had more than one name like Gandalf who was also called the White Wizard, Gandalf the Grey, and Mithrandir. If I wrote a sequel to this book it would pick up from where Frodo was carried away and Sam got the ring. During the sequel Sam would save Frodo from the Orcs and find the other elves and warriors. Sam would then with the help of the elves and warriors take over the Orcs and destroy the ring that S ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Child Development Essay Essays

Child Development Essay Essays Child Development Essay Essay Child Development Essay Essay 1. 2 Research holistic development and compose an history about your apprehension of this. giving illustrations of how different facets of development can impact one another. Holistic development means that each country is dependent on the other to do certain the kid develops to their full potency. Development is split into different countries. Physical. societal. emotional. linguistic communication and rational. Still each country must link in order for the kid to develop. For illustration a kid may be rational but non be able to bind his shoe lacings. This is non because the kid is incapable of binding his places lace but that he has non had to pattern the physical accomplishment. Another illustration is a kid needs to have on spectacless for school ( physical ) and other kids tease him for have oning spectacless which in bend could take down his self-esteem ( emotional ) . This may take to him being isolated from friends as he can non cover with the tease ( societal ) . he so may halt have oning his spectacless to go accepted by his equals. As a consequence of this he will be unable to see clearly which could impact his school work ( rational ) . 2. 1 Research the influences that can impact children’s development. Background: There are different things that can impact child’s development in their background. A household interrupt up can be truly nerve-racking for a kid and can act upon development as they can acquire really disquieted. The kid could respond in different ways by either floging out. traveling really quiet or could even halt feeding and speaking as they feel they could experience responsible for their parents interrupt up. Equally good as a interruption up set uping a child’s development. a child’s parent acquiring a new spouse can be besides as effectual. They may non wish the new spouse and once more can take to them being aggressive traveling quiet or non eating. A monolithic influence in a child’s development would be if there was mourning in the household as the kid does non to the full understand why that individual is no longer in their life and can once more do all of the above reactions. Health Proper nutrition can hold a direct impact on a child’s development both physically and psychologically. Appropriate nutrition is related to functional results for kids as they get older. In other words. unhealthy feeding can take to weight addition and other negative effects if the kid does non larn how to eat healthy early in life. It is stressed that it is the increased continuance and strength of the exposures to healthy eating wonts. through both hands-on acquisition and taking by illustration. that truly do a positive impact on a child’s development. Environment Childs who are surrounded. both at place and at school/daycare installations. by a strong acquisition environment that is both enlightening and supportive may better their development. A child’s environment – for illustration. his household or school – plays a immense portion in his development. Simply stated. a nurtured kid will make better than a disadvantaged kid. That may look like common sense. but you may non recognize the small things that make a difference. Some assume that a rich privileged kid will automatically boom more than a kid life in poorness. That is non ever the instance. 2. 2 Write an history about the importance of acknowledging and reacting to concerns in children’s development. Give illustrations of instances you are cognizant of. The undermentioned things would do concern about a kid or immature person’s development. If the job was left untreated so things could acquire worse. and a hold in intervention could intend that the result is non every bit good as it would hold been if intervention was started earlier. If a kid or immature individual does non speak to anyone or even merely speaks a few words compared to others. this may do concern. This would socially impact the kid or immature person’s because they would happen it difficult to do friends. work in groups or even interact with grownups. It would besides impact their communicational development because they would happen it difficult to talk to people and besides may happen it difficult to listen to instructions. Early intercession would be the best manner to react to this concern. the first measure would be to hold the kid or immature person’s hearing checked because if they have hapless hearing they will happen it difficult to hear people so will non desire to pass on with others in instance they get something incorrect. Poor reading and authorship is besides another thing to look for. If a kid or immature individual has troubles with their reading and composing it may do concern. but this may non be noticeable until the kid is around the age of 6 or 7 because by this age they should hold learnt how letters are formed and get down to threading words together. These are the chief accomplishments a kid needs to assist them develop in all countries. Due to hapless reading and composing the kid or immature individual will get down to fall behind his equals of the same age. They may happen it hard to interact or do friends with others who are more advanced than them. in instance they are bullied etc. They would fight with their rational development non merely with the reading and authorship. but they would fight with their memory and even their concentration. 3. 2 Research and place other passages that merely some kids may see through life. for illustration mourning. Most kids may see passages ; passages can be long term or short term. Some passages that most kids may see are likely to be. get downing school or altering from one school to another. Some households may travel house several times throughout their lives this can impact a kid in that they have to seek and do new friends and acquire usage to the country in which they will be populating. Children and immature people have to do really many of their passages without anterior personal experience. and it can sometimes look to them as a dashing list of ‘firsts’ : first twenty-four hours at school ; first test. Most of these alterations are dealt with good by most kids and immature people. as and when they are ready. The experience they gain and the accomplishments they learn in the procedure equip them to cover with the challenges of life in front. The diverse scope of passages faced by kids and immature people includes: get downing or traveling school pubescence mourning parents dividing up unwellness ( their ain or a parent’s or sibling’s ) altering friendly relationship groups entry to. or go forthing. a pupil referral unit traveling through kid wellness services into grownup services coming out as homosexual or sapphic go forthing place. Young people and kids will necessitate aid and support from equals and grownups to successfully do the passage to the following phase in their life. The nature and timing and giver of the support will change depending on the individual’s demands and fortunes. Bereavement-the decease of a close friend or relation may be really traumatic for a kid. when it comes to times of alteration and passages you should give kids every chance to speak about what is traveling to go on and how they feel. 3. 3 Describe with illustrations how passages may impact kids and immature people’s behaviour and development. Children and immature people of course pass through a figure of phases as they grow and develop. Often. they will besides be expected to get by with alterations such as motion from primary to secondary school and. for kids with disablements or chronic ailment wellness. from children’s to adults’ services. Such alterations are normally referred to as passages. Some kids may hold to confront really peculiar and personal passages non needfully shared or understood by all their equals. These include: household unwellness or the decease of a close relation ; divorce and household break-up ; issues related to gender ; acceptance ; the procedure of refuge ; disablement ; parental mental wellness ; and the effects of offense. It is of import to understand a kid or immature individual in the context of their life. to recognize and understand the impact of any passages they may be traveling through.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The case of Granite Construction Industry Plc Study

The of Granite Construction Industry Plc - Case Study Example This paper focuses on Granite Construction Company. The paper is aimed at carrying out financial analyses of Granite Construction Plc with particular focus on the liquidity, profitability and solvency ratio so as to gain a reasonable basis for providing recommendations to investors and suppliers on whether to invest or continue business for the company, and finally see the various methods through which the company access the capital market. Having said this, the sections that follow will be structured as follows. Section two provides an overview of the company. Part three provide a table of the various ratios, section four compares these ratios to the industry benchmark, while the next section examine the capital structure of the company and provides recommendations to various interest groups. Granite Construction Inc is a heavy civil construction contractor in the United States. The Company operates nationwide, serving both public and private sector clients. In the public sector, th e company primarily focuses on infrastructure projects, including the construction of roads, highways, bridges, dams, canals, mass transit facilities and airport infrastructure. (Annual report 2007). In the private sector, Granite Construction Inc performs site preparation and infrastructure services for residential development, commercial and industrial buildings, plants and other facilities ( According to the (2007), the company owns and leases substantial aggregate reserves and own a number of construction materials processing plants. The Company also have a contractor-owned heavy construction equipment fleets in the United States ( Bodie et al (2002), defines the macro economy as the environment in which all firms operate. According to Bodie et al (2002), based on a study on the S&P 500, stock price tends to rise with earnings per share. Although ones ability to forecast the macro economy environment can lead to speculative investment performance, it is not enough to forecast the m

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Public Relations Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public Relations Plan - Essay Example What the public thinks of one school carries a weight that could make or break it. To cope with the demand for information, public relations has become an indispensible tool for schools and organizations all over. With this, schools can maintain an aura of trust, credibility, and cooperation with the general public as well as the people inside the school. This is important in many ways because who you know and who knows you really count in any business. A single remark from a parent could ruin a school, not enough exposure to the public could limit the number of students coming to the school, and a bad image could discourage potential students from even considering enrolling to that school. It goes on and on. With proper public relations, all those can be avoided. Communicating with the Community It is imperative that the school maintains contact with the people inside and around it. That means talking and listening to everyone from the staff, the faculty, the administration, the stu dents and their families, and the community in general. The school must strive to empower everyone with information about itself, its current status, and the status of its students. It must also increase the amount of interaction between the school and community, in effect increasing the involvement and support of the community in the school’s affairs. This can be achieved by holding meetings and events that could serve as forums where people can discuss about the important things relevant to the school. For the teachers and staff, Faculty and staff meetings could be held monthly or as needed to keep everyone updated and to provide an outlet for discussion; for parents, Parent-Teacher conferences can be done regularly to bring them up to speed with their children’s performance, any events in school to look out for, and to discuss better ways to help the children have the best education; Giving recognition to the achievers is also a form of feedback. It gives a sense of pride and lets parents know that their child is doing well, while the student gets motivated to study harder; the students should also have a say through student forums and other such activities; to keep the school in the eyes of the community in general, some of the most concrete ways are distributing school publications or newsletters, student ambassador programs, and participating or hosting community events; other ways that are important would be cleaning up the school’s image through an awareness campaign or community outreach program, instructing the teachers to be more open to students’ and parents’ concerns by offering a listening ear to them, or putting up a ‘Questions, comments or suggestion box’ (or any equivalent) wherein anyone can voice a concern at any time. All the while, the school itself provides the information in an open manner with enthusiasm and a visible concern for the proper education of the students. Crisis Management The best way to handle a crisis is preventing it, or failing that, preparing for it. Crisis aversion is the primary focus for crisis management. The school needs to look for possible crises that may occur and take the necessary steps to prepare for it. For incidents beyond the control of the school, steps can also be taken to mitigate the damage that can be caused. First, prevention is the key. Check the safety of